He chose me as his instructor because of my vast experience with the product, and he told me that my stories of 'rocket ship' highs and boundless, godlike energy sounded too good to be true. A few weeks earlier, my friend had told me that he was sick of the garbage coke that people were giving him (mostly at parties) and he wanted to smoke crack. It had a faint yellowish tint, meaning at least from my experience that it was cut by less idiots and may possibly yield some good rocks for smoking. The coke looked good, at least for this region it consisted of about a dozen small rocks, whick were fairly hard and seemed gritty and oily. of fine Vermont sinsemilla, and -most importantly- a gram of nice cocaine. Within minutes I had scored a gram of beautiful hash, some stinky opium (most likely synthetic), 1/8 oz. My friend and I began looking for drugs, and too easily found them. Unfortunately most of these people were well-off, money-conscious suburbanites simply masquerading as carefree and generous souls. We walked around drinking and observing the predominantly 'hippie' crowd huge, ragged pants, hemp adornments with bulky glass beads, long and unwashed clumps of hair that they ignorantly refer to as 'dreddies,' or dreadlocks.
To tell you the truth, we didn't even plan on going inside we elected to party in the parking lot all night instead. I was on my way to a concert with a good buddy of mine, a case of beer on ice in the back seat. It was a typical summer evening cool, clear, and tranquil. To my relief and bewilderment, my prediction couldn't have been more wrong. So according to this rule, on the night I relapsed I was destined to do about 3.5 grams of cocaine, smoked or sniffed. That's very bad news for someone with a personality as addictive as mine, because many addictions, no matter how long repressed, start up right where you were when you left off. I was doing well for a few months, but very recently I've relapsed on uppers. Only in the last year have I come to grips with my many addictions, including marijuana, alcohol, opiates, benzodiazepenes, amphetamines and of course cocaine. point is everyone has different % coke it depends where you get it and how much it was broken down until someone sold it to you.Īnother thing i should mention is crackheads constantly come to buy more back some even come 5 times a day to people i have known, people who buy coke usually buy it and dont have that crazy of an addiction on it so they aren't as frequent as crackheads but they are still addicts who are wasting their money on a drug that slowly kills them and parts of them.I've always been a fan of uppers, with the tendency to get too easily carried away and occasionally binge for days on end. once you cook it with other peoples fillers it goes yellow and alot of crackheads dont mind but it kind of -s on your name. most citys i know of have only 5 people with the actual connections to get the pure cocaine in a powder from and that all goes down the grapevine amongst other drug dealers and each add their own cut so you kind of need to get good coke to make it because once it hits the bottom line of the guy selling half grams of it chances are its less than 60% actual coke per the gram. Say you take a "rich mans" coke which means its quality (higher percentage) and cook 1 gram of it in a vile and the weight of the cooked rock determines what percentage the coke is or was, say it weighs 0.92 from 1 gram it means the coke is 92% and im sure you kinda get it now.
Some people begin with cocaine use and then transition to crack use when the habit of cocaine use is too expensive to maintain.Īccording to the National Study on Drug Use and Health, in 2008, there were 1.9 million cocaine users, of which 359,000 used crack.Īs someone who just knows how to make it, it really has alot of variables. Generally, those who want a more intense, faster, cheaper high are attracted to crack. Despite this widespread belief, information from the National Institute on Drug Abuse showed that in 1991, the majority of crack users were Caucasian. By the 1980s, there was an epidemic of crack use in these communities.Īs a result, there is a public perception that cocaine is associated with more affluent drug users, whereas crack use is associated with those in lower income brackets and minorities. This brought crack use to low-income and minority communities. These people had less disposable income available to spend on drugs, but they were seeking options to get high. As a less expensive alternative, it became more accessible to those in the lower socioeconomic demographic. Crack was developed was as a cheaper alternative to cocaine, making it more easily affordable to users. Cocaine is expensive to buy on the streets.